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Sunday 1 May 2016

Android Rooting And Customization

Rooted Android Smartphones Truly Yours!

What do you know about your smartphone? What it can do? Is your smartphone truly yours? The answers to these questions are here. First thing first your smartphone can be a beast but you should know how to get the beast out of your smartphone. Many people complaint a lot about heating issues,
laggy performance,low memory,poor battery backup,apps continuously running in the background and what not!

You know for all these problems there is only one solution making your smartphone truly smart and yours. The BEAST MODE performance can be activated only by ROOTING your smartphone. Many of you might be hearing this word for the first time in context to Smartphones. Let me make it clear for you What Rooting Is? 

The Wikipedia Definition of Rooting:

"Rooting is the process of allowing users of smartphones, tablets and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to attain privileged control (known asroot access) over various Android subsystems. As Android uses the Linux kernel, rooting an Android device gives similar access to administrative (superuser) permissions as on Linux or any other Unix-like operating system such as FreeBSD or OS X.

Rooting is often performed with the goal of overcoming limitations that carriers and hardware manufacturers put on some devices. Thus, rooting gives the ability (or permission) to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized applications ("apps") that require administrator-level permissions, or perform other operations that are otherwise inaccessible to a normal Android user. On Android, rooting can also facilitate the complete removal and replacement of the device's operating system, usually with a more recent release of its current operating system.

Root access is sometimes compared to jailbreaking devices running the Apple iOS operating system. However, these are different concepts: Jailbreaking is the bypass of several types of Apple prohibitions for the end user, including modifying the operating system (enforced by a "locked bootloader"), installing non-officially approved applications via sideloading, and granting the user elevated administration-level privileges (rooting). Only a minority of Android devices lock their bootloaders, and many vendors such as HTC, Sony, Asus and Google explicitly provide the ability to unlock devices, and even replace the operating system entirely. Similarly, the ability to sideload applications is typically permissible on Android devices without root permissions. Thus, it is primarily the third aspect of iOS jailbreaking (giving users administrative privileges) that most directly correlates to Android rooting."

In simple sentence Rooting means gaining the full control of your smartphone. This control give you special privileges to modify your smartphone and control the internal structure and applications.
With root permissions you get the sole authority over your smartphone, now you can do whatever you want. You know your smartphone comes loaded with a lot of manufacturer Applications which you don't use. With root permissions you can delete these system applications and free up a lot of memory.

Here is a list of things you can do if Your Smartphone is Rooted:
  • Install Applications that require root privileges and control their behavior.
  • Install Custom Recoveries. Custom Recoveries have a lot of features.
  • Install Custom ROMs availabe for your phone.
  • Install Custom Kernels.
  • Get third party updates to latest Stock Android features via Custom Roms.
  • Tweak Your Smartphone with different mods(audio, camera, video etc)
  • Remove Carrier specific Restrictions.
  • Change your smartphone CPU frequency.
  • Increase battery performance.
  • Install Ported Applications.
and a whole bunch of other thing you can think of. So Root your smartphone and Let the Beast Free!

Here I am giving you top applications that Your Rooted Smartphone Must Have.

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